Vrijeme: 22:17

Mali odmor | Take a Break #2

Pet kamiona nalazi se na parkiralištu.
1. Hrvatski kamion kreće u 6 i prenosi kavu.
2. Kamion parkiran u sredini crne je boje.
3. Engleski kamion kreće u 9.
4. Njemački kamion plave je boje, a parkiran je s lijeve strane kamionu koji prenosi kavu.
5. Desno od kamiona koji prenosi kakao parkiran je kamion koji ide u Pariz.
6. Brazilski kamion ide u Santiago.
7. Pored kamiona koji prenosi rižu parkiran je kamion zelene boje.
8. Kamion koji ide u Genovu kreće u 5.
9. Španjolski kamion kreće u 7, a nalazi se desno od kamiona koji ide u Pariz.
10. Crveni kamion ide u Hamburg.
11. Pored kamiona koji odlazi u 7 parkiran je bijeli kamion.
12. Kamion koji je parkiran na rubu prenosi rižu.
13. Crni kamion kreće u 8.
14. Kamion koji prenosi kukuruz parkiran je pored kamiona koji prenosi rižu.
15. Kamion koji ide u Hamburg kreće u 6.

Koji kamion ide u Amsterdam?

"S lijeve strane kamiona" ne mora značiti pokraj kamiona već bilo gdje na lijevo od kamiona.
Ako je odgovor španjolski, u prostor za odgovor napiši "s", ako je odgovor brazilski, u prostor za odgovor napiši "b", ako je odgovor engleski, u prostor za odgovor napiši "e", ako je odgovor hrvatski, u prostor za odgovor napiši "h" i ako je odgovor njemački, u prostor za odgovor napiši "d".

Five trucks are in the parking lot.
1. The Croatian truck leaves at 6 and carries coffee.
2. The truck parked in the middle is black.
3. The English truck leaves at 9.
4. The German truck is blue and is parked to the left of the truck carrying the coffee.
5. The truck going to Paris is parked to the right of the truck carrying the cocoa.
6. The Brazilian truck is going to Santiago.
7. The green truck is parked next to the truck carrying the rice.
8. The truck going to Genoa leaves at 5.
9. The Spanish truck leaves at 7, and is located to the right of the truck going to Paris.
10. The red truck goes to Hamburg.
11. The white truck is parked next to the truck that leaves at 7.
12. The truck parked on the end carries rice.
13. The black truck leaves at 8.
14. The truck that carries corn is parked next to the truck that carries rice.
15. The truck going to Hamburg leaves at 6.
Which truck is going to Amsterdam?

“To the left of the truck” doesn’t have to mean right next to the truck but anywhere on the left side of the truck.
If the answer is Spanish, write "s" as the answer, if the answer is Brazilian, write "b" as the answer, if the answer is English, write "e" as the answer, if the answer is Croatian, write "h" as the answer and if the answer is German, write "d" as the answer.