Vrijeme: 06:56
Put pod noge | On My Way #4
Karta za gradski autobus u Moskvi iznosi kopjejki. Na jednoj je stanici u autobus ušlo putnika, od kojih nijedna osoba nije imala kovanica manjih od kopjejki. Međusobno su razmijenili novac i u kasu položili kopjejki. Imajući na umu da postoje kovanice od , i kopjejki, koliko su najmanje kovanica ukupno mogli imati prilikom ulaska u autobus?
City bus fare in Moscow is kopeks. At one bus stop passengers boarded the bus, none of whom had coins under kopeks. They exchanged money between themselves and put kopeks in the cashbox. Keeping in mind that there are coins of , and kopeks, what is the minimum number of coins they all could have had when they boarded the bus?