Vrijeme: 22:31

Perspektivni lanac | A chain with perspective #1

Slikar uči slikati u perspektivi. Kako bi to postigao, crta LijepuStvar^\text{(TM)} pomoću stakla s jednim okom zatvorenim. Staklo se nalazi u XZ ravnini, LijepaStvar^\text{(TM)} u točki (0, 20, -20), a slikarovo oko u točki (0,-5,0). Odredite točku na staklu u kojoj je slikar naslikao LIjepuStvar^\text{(TM)}.
Odgovor napišite kao uređenu trojku koordinata, npr. "(1,2,3)" bez navodnika.
An artist is learning to use perspective. In order to achieve this, he is painting a FabulousObject^\text{(TM)} on pane of glass with one eye closed. The glass falls along the XZ plane, the FabulousObject^\text{(TM)} is located at (0, 20, -20) and the artist's eye at (0,-5,0). Determine the point on the pane of glass on which the artist painted the FabulousObject^\text{(TM)}
Write the answer as an ordered triple of coordinates, e.g. '(1,2,3)' without quotes.