Vrijeme: 07:09
Perspektivni lanac | A chain with perspective #1
Slikar uči slikati u perspektivi. Kako bi to postigao, crta LijepuStvar pomoću stakla s jednim okom zatvorenim. Staklo se nalazi u ravnini, LijepaStvar u točki , a slikarovo oko u točki . Odredite točku na staklu u kojoj je slikar naslikao LIjepuStvar.
Odgovor napišite kao uređenu trojku koordinata, npr. "(1,2,3)" bez navodnika.
Odgovor napišite kao uređenu trojku koordinata, npr. "(1,2,3)" bez navodnika.
An artist is learning to use perspective. In order to achieve this, he is painting a FabulousObject on pane of glass with one eye closed. The glass falls along the plane, the FabulousObject is located at and the artist's eye at . Determine the point on the pane of glass on which the artist painted the FabulousObject
Write the answer as an ordered triple of coordinates, e.g. '(1,2,3)' without quotes.
Write the answer as an ordered triple of coordinates, e.g. '(1,2,3)' without quotes.