Vrijeme: 22:08

Ajmo curice, ajmo dječaci | Come on girls, come on boys #2

Dok se Markovi prijatelji kupaju na moru kraj Save čija je širina korita 100 metara, Marku je toga dosta preko glave pa sjedi na obali rijeke. Promatrajući svoju okolinu, primjećuje da sjedi na sredini puta između dva stabla te da su na drugoj strani rijeke dva stabla točno nasuprot onima između kojih sjedi. Zanima ga, ukoliko je udaljenost dva stabla između kojih sjedi 150 metara, koliki je opseg trokuta koji tvore on i dva stabla na drugoj strani rijeke (u metrima)?
While Marko's friends are swimming in the sea near the Sava river which has a width of 100 meters, Marko is sick of all of that so he is sitting on the river shore. As he is looking at his surroundings, he notices that he is sitting halfway between two trees and that on the other side of the river there are two trees right across the ones he is sitting between. He wants to know: if the two trees he is sitting between are 150 meters apart, what is the circumference of the triangle formed by him and the two trees on the other side of the river (in meters)?