Vrijeme: 22:08

Ajmo curice, ajmo dječaci | Come on girls, come on boys #4

Dok Jasna uživa u kupanju, sunčanju i gnjavaži, njenoj sestri Mirti je stoput bolje sjediti na zadnjem sjedištu Jasninog auta i slagati origami. Mirta ima papir u obliku pravokutnika čiji je opseg 66cm te je njegove vrhove označila slovima A,B,C,D, a polovište stranice \overline{AB} s E. Primijetila je da je opseg trokuta koji tvore točke B, C i E 36cm, a opseg četverokuta koji nastaje kada otrgne trokut BCE od početnog papira 60cm. Kolika je površine trokuta BCE (u cm^2)?
While Jasna is enjoying swimming, sunbathing, and the hassle of going to the beach, her sister Mirta finds sitting on the backseat of Jasna's car and folding origami a hundred times better. Mirta has a piece of paper in the shape of a rectangle with circumference 66cm and she marked its corner points with A,B,C,D and the midpoint of \overline{AB} with E. She noticed that the circumference of the triangle formed by the points B, C and E is 36cm, while the circumference of the quadrilateral formed by ripping off triangle BCE from the original paper is 60cm. What is the area of triangle BCE (in cm^2)?