Vrijeme: 22:27

Polinomi | Polynomials #2

Zadan je polinom P(x) = a x^{2018} + b x^{2017} + c x^{2016}, pri čemu su koeficijenti a, b i c manji ili jednaki od 2021. Vrijedi P(\frac{1 + \sqrt{3}i}{2}) = 2000 + 2021\sqrt{3}i. Koliko iznosi P(1)?
The polynomial P(x) = a x^{2018} + b x^{2017} + c x^{2016} is given, where each of the coefficients a, b and c is less than or equal to 2021, and P(\frac{1 + \sqrt{3}i}{2}) = 2000 + 2021\sqrt{3}i. Find the value of P(1).