Vrijeme: 05:42

Ptice | Birds #1

Matej, Matija, Marko, Martin, Mario i Mateo u daljini promatraju jato ptica.

Matej ih je izbrojio 37.

Da je Matej vidio još jednu pticu, onda bi Mateo izbrojio točno polovicu tog broja.

Marko ih je izbrojio upola manje nego Matej i Mateo zajedno.

Matija ih je izbrojao 5 ptica manje nego Marko i Mateo zajedno.

Da je Martin izbrojao još onoliko ptica koliko su izbrojali Marko i Mateo, izbrojao bi ih dvostruko više od Mateja.

Mario je izbrojao onoliko koliko su Matej i Marko zajedno kada im se uzmu ptice koje je izbrojio Martin.

Tko je izbrojao najviše ptica?

Matej, Matija, Marko, Martin, Mario and Mateo are watching a flock of birds in the distance.

Matej counted 37 of them.

If Matej had seen one more bird, then Mateo would have counted exactly half of that number.

Marko counted half of what Matej and Mateo counted together.

Matija counted 5 less birds than Marko and Mateo combined.

If Martin had also counted the birds that Marko and Mateo counted combined, he would have counted twice as many as Matej.

Mario counted as many as Matej and Marko together when the birds counted by Martin are taken away from them.

Who counted the most birds?