Vrijeme: 05:37
Ptice | Birds #3
Jato od
ptica započelo je svoje putovanje na jug.

Putem im se pridružilo jato dvostruko veće od njihovog.
Zatim se jato tijekom leta preko oceana utrostročilo u veličini.
Konačno, dok su prelijetale Afriku, prije konačnog odredišta je jato napustilo po ptica u tri navrata.
Koliko ptica je sletjelo na odredište?
A flock of
birds began their journey towards the south.

Along the way they were joined by a flock twice as large as theirs.
Then the flock tripled in size during the flight across the ocean.
Finally, while flying over Africa, before the final destination, birds left the flock on three occasions.
How many birds landed at their destination?