Vrijeme: 05:41

Ptice | Birds #2

Mala ptica Nika odlučila je zaplesati s Ljetom.

Njen ples se sastoji od toga da 5 puta ponovi iste pokrete.

Najprije vrti lijevo i desno krilo istovremeno 10s. Zatim napravi tri koraka naprijed, pa tri koraka nazad.

Zatim vrti samo lijevo krilo 10s. Zatim napravi tri koraka naprijed, ali samo dva nazad.

Zatim vrti samo desno krilo 10s. Konačno, napravi dva koraka naprijed, a tri nazad.

Ako Niki treba jedna sekunda da napravi jedan korak, koliko dugo u sekundama traje ples?

Little bird Nika decided to dance with Summer.

Her dance consists of repeating the same movements 5 times.

First, she spins the left and right wing simultaneously for 10 seconds. Then she takes three steps forward, then three steps back.

Then she spins only the left wing for 10 seconds. Then takes three steps forward, but only two steps back.

Then she spins only the right wing for 10 seconds. Finally, she takes two steps forward and three steps back.

If Niki takes one second to take one step, how long in seconds does the dance last?