Vrijeme: 05:41
Laži, laži, laži me | Lie to me #1
Jelena, Zlatka i Zoe sakrile su Nikine cvjetne štapove. Jelena kaže da su u Kaštel Starom, Zlatka da su u Kaštel Sućurcu, a Zoe da su u Kaštel Gomilici. Nika ne želi ići na turneju kroz Kaštela, pa ih pokušava natjerati da joj otkriju istinu.
Jelena: Zlatka laže!
Zlatka: Zoe laže!
Zoe: I Jelena i Zlatka lažu!
Tko govori istinu?
Jelena, Zlatka and Zoe hid Nika's flower sticks. Jelena says that they are in Kaštel Stari, Zlatka that they are in Kaštel Sućurac, and Zoe that they are in Kaštel Gomilica. Nika does not want to go on a tour through the Kaštela, so she tries to make them tell her the truth.
Jelena: Zlatka is lying!
Zlatka: Zoe is lying!
Zoe: Both Jelena and Zlatka are lying!
Who is telling the truth?