Vrijeme: 05:38

Laži, laži, laži me | Lie to me #3

Falile se Kaštelanke da su lipše neg Splićanke. Ali, sveti Duje neće ni da čuje. Pitao je pet odabranih Kaštelanki jesu li lipše od Splićanki, i ovo su odgovorile:

Ana: Nijedna od nas nije lipša neg Splićanke.
Nika: Točno jedna od nas je lipša neg Splićanke.
Ivana: Točno dvije od nas su lipše neg Splićanke.
Brita: Točno tri od nas su lipše neg Splićanke.
Maja: Točno četiri od nas su lipše neg Splićanke.

Sveti Duje zna da one Kaštelanke koje su lipše neg Splićanke govore istinu, a da one koje nisu lažu. Tko je rekao istinu?

Women from Kaštela boasted that they were prettier than women from Split. However, saint Duje wasn't having it. He asked five women from Kaštela if they were prettier than women from Split, and this is what they told him:

Ana: None of us are prettier than the women from Split.
Nika: Exactly one of us is prettier than the women from Split.
Ivana: Exactly two of us are prettier than the women from Split.
Brita: Exactly three of us are prettier than the women from Split.
Maja: Exactly four of us are prettier than the women from Split.

Saint Duje knows that women from Kaštela who are prettier than women from Split are telling the truth, and that those who are not are lying. Who told the truth?