Vrijeme: 05:37
Laži, laži, laži me | Lie to me #5
Baka Cvita već je pomalo stara i teško joj je nositi ikakav teret. Stoga je povela svoje četiri unuke sa sobom na pijacu da joj pomognu nositi doma balancane. No, jedna od njih prosula je kesu s balancanama dok Cvita nije gledala.
Mare: Nije ih prosula Kate! To je bila Bepina.
Kate: Nije ih prosula Perina! Nije ih prosula Bepina!
Perina: To nije bila Bepina. Bila je to Kate, ona ne voli balancane!
Bepina: Ne, Perina, ti si ih prosula! Kate ih je prosula!
Cvita zna da su njezine unuke prave spletkarošice i da je svaka od njih rekla po jednu istinu i jednu laž. Tko je prosuo bakine balancane?
Grandma Cvita is already a bit old and it is difficult for her to carry groceries. Therefore, she took her four granddaughters with her to the farmer's market to help her carry aubergines. However, one of them spilled a bag of aubergines while Cvita wasn't looking.
Mare: Kate didn't do it! It was Bepina.
Kate: Perina didn't do it! Bepina didn't do it!
Perina: It wasn't Bepina. It was Kate, she doesn't like aubergines!
Bepina: No, Perina, you did it! Kate did it.
Cvita knows that her granddaughters are mischievous and that each of them has told her one truth and one lie. Who spilled grandma Cvita's aubergines?