Vrijeme: 05:40

Moj Ivane, pobratime mio | The Chronicles of Ivan And Ivan #3

Ivan i Ivan upravo su uselili u svoju novu sobu. Začudili su se koliko je prostrana. Ivan ti je dao upute kako ćeš otkriti površinu njihove sobe: "Neka se u trapezu ABCD s osnovicama \overline{AB} i \overline{CD} dijagonale se sijeku u točki E, te neka su površine trokuta \triangle ABE i \triangle CDE redom jednake 98~\text{m}^2 i 32~\text{m}^2. Površina trapeza je 22 puta veća od površine naše sobe." Kolika je površina Ivanove i Ivanove sobe (u ~\text{m}^2)?
Ivan and Ivan have just moved into their new room. They were amazed at how spacious it was. Ivan gave you instructions on how to find the area of ​​their room: "Let the diagonals in the trapezoid ABCD with bases \overline{AB} and \overline{CD} intersect at point E, and let the areas of the triangles \triangle ABE and \triangle CDE be equal to 98~\text{m}^2 and 32~\text{m}^2, respectively. The area of ​​the trapezoid is 22 times larger than the area of our room." What is the area of ​​Ivan and Ivan's room (in ~\text{m}^2)?