Ivan and Ivan have been visited by their former roommates, who brought gifts: prosciutto and a hubcap. They were happy to eat the prosciutto. As for the hubcap, Ivan was delighted and couldn't wait to display it in a visible place, while Ivan didn't share that joy. As true roommates, they reached a compromise: if Ivan solves the task that Ivan gives him, Ivan will let him keep the hubcap in the room.
Ivan asked Ivan the following question: "In an isosceles triangle
, the length of its base
is equal to
, and the length of the corresponding height
is equal to
. Let
be the midpoint of
. Let the line
intersect side
at point
, and let the line
intersect side
at point
. What is the area of the triangle
However, as you already know, Ivan is a novice in geometry, so he asked for the help of Ivan's little son, who successfully solved the task for him and the hubcap was proudly displayed at the entrance to Ivan and Ivan's room. What answer did Ivan's little son give to Ivan the novice?
Ivana i Ivana posjetili su njihovi bivši cimeri pritom noseći darove: pršut i ratkapu. Pršut su rado podijelili. Što se tiče ratkape, Ivan je bio oduševljen i jedva ju je čekao izložiti na vidljivo mjesto, dok Ivan nije dijelio to veselje. Kao pravi cimeri, došli su do kompromisa: ako Ivan riješi zadatak koji mu Ivan postavi, Ivan će mu dozvoliti da zadrže ratkapu u sobi. Ivan je Ivanu postavio sljedeće pitanje:\\
"U jednakokračnom trokutu $\triangle ABC$ je duljina osnovice $\overline{AB}$ jednaka $3$, a pripadne visine $4$. Neka je $O$ polovište te visine. Pravac $AO$ siječe stranicu $\overline{BC}$ u točki $N$, a pravac $BO$ siječe stranicu $\overline{AC}$ u točki $M$. Kolika je površina trokuta $\triangle MNC$?"
No, kao što već znate, Ivan je novak u geometriji, pa je zatražio pomoć Ivanovog sinčića koji mu je uspješno riješio zadatak i ratkapa je zasjala na ulazu u Ivanovu i Ivanovu sobu. Koji je odgovor Ivanov sinčić dao Ivanu novaku?
Ivan and Ivan have been visited by their former roommates, who brought gifts: prosciutto and a hubcap. They were happy to eat the prosciutto. As for the hubcap, Ivan was delighted and couldn't wait to display it in a visible place, while Ivan didn't share that joy. As true roommates, they reached a compromise: if Ivan solves the task that Ivan gives him, Ivan will let him keep the hubcap in the room.
Ivan asked Ivan the following question: "In an isosceles triangle $\triangle ABC$, the length of its base $\overline{AB}$ is equal to $3$, and the length of the corresponding height $h$ is equal to $4$. Let $O$ be the midpoint of $h$. Let the line $AO$ intersect side $\overline{BC}$ at point $N$, and let the line $BO$ intersect side $\overline{AC}$ at point $M$. What is the area of the triangle $\triangle MNC$?"
However, as you already know, Ivan is a novice in geometry, so he asked for the help of Ivan's little son, who successfully solved the task for him and the hubcap was proudly displayed at the entrance to Ivan and Ivan's room. What answer did Ivan's little son give to Ivan the novice?