Vrijeme: 05:42
Slovenski lanac | Slovenian chain #1
Postoji 2022 karte u novoj generaciji Pokemona. Anže Lovc želi skupiti sve karte kupujući paketiće u kojim se nalazi po jedna nasumično odabrana karta. Pod uvjetom da se karte biraju s jednakom vjerojatnosti, koliko je očekivani broj paketića koje će Anže morati kupiti prije nego sakupi sve karte?
There are 2022 cards in the new Pokemon collectible set. Anže Lovc (Ash Ketchum) wants to collect all of the different cards by buying card packs of 1 card per pack. Assuming that there is an equal probabity of getting each card in the pack, what is the expected value of the number of packs Anže needs to buy to collect all cards?