Vrijeme: 05:40

Plava kineska perika | Blonde chinese wig #1

Mislav, Matej i Paula odlučili su investirati u malu plavu periku. Kako su oni volonteri na budžetu, odlučili su kupiti kinesku periku.

Kada je stigla, najprije je Mislav brojao vlasi perike po 20 i zaključio da mu je ostao snop od 3.

Zatim je Matej brojao vlasi u snopovima po 21 i zaključio da je ponovo ostao snop od 3 vlasi.

Na kraju je Paula brojala vlasi u snopovima po 23 i zaključila da nevjerojatnim spletom okolnosti ponovo ostao snop od 3 vlasi.

Kako se radi o kineskoj periki, zaključili su da je broj vlasi u periki najmanji mogući broj veći od 2022. Odredi koliko ima vlasi u periki.

Mislav, Matej and Paula decided to invest in a small blonde wig. Since they are volunteers on a budget, they decided to buy a Chinese wig.

When it arrived, Mislav first counted wig hairs in bundles of 20 and concluded that he had a bundle of 3 left.

Then Matej counted the hairs in bundles of 21 and concluded that there was again a bundle of 3 hairs left.

In the end, Paula counted the hairs in bundles of 23 and concluded that, due to an incredible set of circumstances, a bundle of 3 hairs remained again.

Since it is a Chinese wig, they concluded that the number of hairs in the wig is the smallest possible number greater than 2022. Determine how many hairs are in the wig.