Vrijeme: 05:36

Plava kineska perika | Blonde chinese wig #3

Čini se da su pogriješili u zaključku koliko ima vlasi u periki, dobili su puno premali broj.

Zato su posao delegirali na 37 mentora da ponovo pokušaju prebrojati broj vlasi u periki.

Prvi mentor je brojao u snopovima od 4 i ostale su mu 3 vlasi. Drugi mentor je brojao u snopovima od 5 vlasi i ostale su mu 3 vlasi. Treći mentor je brojao pak u snopovima od 6 vlasi i nevjerojatno, ponovo su mu ostale 3 vlasi. Tako je svaki mentor brojao u snopovima veličine za jedan veće od ranijeg mentora, i svima su im ostale po 3 vlasi.

Ako i dalje koristimo pretpostavku da perika ima više od 2022 vlasi, koliko vlasi ima perika?

It seems that they made a mistake in concluding how many hairs are in the wig, they got a little too low of a number.

That's why they delegated the work to 37 mentors to try to count the number of hairs in the wig again.

The first mentor counted in bundles of 4 and had 3 hairs left. The second mentor counted in bundles of 5 and he had 3 hairs left. The third mentor counted again in bundles of 6 hairs and amazingly, he again had 3 hairs left. So each mentor counted in bundles one size larger than the previous mentor, and they all had 3 hairs left.

If we still use the assumption that the wig has more than 2022 hairs, how many hairs does the wig have?