Vrijeme: 05:38
Plava kineska perika | Blonde chinese wig #2
Na sreću, u pomoć su im priskočile Lucija i Vlatka.
Osim što su Mislav, Matej i Paula brojili vlasi po 20, 21 i 23 i dobili po tri vlasi viška, Lucija je dodatno brojila po 25 i dobila 3 vlasi viška, a Vlatka po 27 i dobila 3 vlasi viška.
Uz pretpostavku da na periki postoji barem 2022 vlasi, koliko najmanje vlasi može sadržavati perika?
Fortunately, Lucija and Vlatka came to help.
In addition to the fact that Mislav, Matej and Paula counted in bundles of 20, 21 and 23 hairs and each got three extra hairs left, Lucija additionally counted in bundles of 25 and got 3 extra hairs, and Vlatka counted in bundles of 27 and got 3 extra hairs.
Assuming that there are at least 2022 hairs on the wig, how many hairs at least can the wig contain?