Vrijeme: 05:37

Budi mi kutomjer? | Would you be my protractor? #1

Dan je trapez ABCD u kome je AD \parallel BC. Kružnica koja prolazi kroz vrhove B,C siječe stranice AB,CD u točkama X,Y i dodiruje osnovicu AD u K. Poznato je da je \angle BKC = 50^{\circ} i \angle ABK=\angle KDC. Odredi \angle XKY. (rješenje zapišite u stupnjevima bez mjerne jedinice npr. "45")

In a trapezoid ABCD we have AD \parallel BC. Denote the points at which the circle passing through points B,C intersects sides AB,CD as X,Y and denote the point at which it touches base AD as K. It is known that \angle BKC = 50^{\circ} and \angle ABK=\angle KDC. Determine \angle XKY. (Write the solution in degrees but without measuring unit, e.g. "45".)