Vrijeme: 05:42

Lili (Š)Triga | Trig or treat! #4

Na porti je također kaos. Portir Šemso ne zna koliko iznosi a + b ako su a i b relativno prosti prirodni brojevi takvi da je \frac{a}{b} < 90 i \sum\limits_{n=1}^{35} \sin 5n = tg \frac{a}{b}. Kuteve mjerimo u stupnjevima.

There is also chaos at the reception. Šemso the receptionist cannot find the value of a + b if a and b are relatively prime positive integers such that \frac{a}{b} < 90 and \sum\limits_{n=1}^{35} \sin 5n = tg \frac{a}{b}. Angles are measured in degrees.