Nema mira ni u vozilu hitne pomoći. Vozač Mile ne dolazi do rješenja mozgalice:
Ako znamo da je


te da su


prirodni brojevi takvi da su


relativno prosti, koliko iznosi umnožak

Peace cannot be found even in the ambulance. Mile the chauffeur is having trouble with this brain teaser:


are positive integers such that


are relatively prime. Furthermore, let


. What is the value of

Nema mira ni u vozilu hitne pomoći. Vozač Mile ne dolazi do rješenja mozgalice:\\
Ako znamo da je $(1 + \sin x)(1 + \cos x) = \frac{5}{4}$ i $(1 - \sin x)(1 - \cos x) = \frac{a}{b} - \sqrt{c}$ te da su $a, b$ i $c$ prirodni brojevi takvi da su $a$ i $b$ relativno prosti, koliko iznosi umnožak $abc$?
Peace cannot be found even in the ambulance. Mile the chauffeur is having trouble with this brain teaser:\\
Supose $a, b$ and $c$ are positive integers such that $a$ and $b$ are relatively prime. Furthermore, let $(1 + \sin x)(1 + \cos x) = \frac{5}{4}$ and $(1 - \sin x)(1 - \cos x) = \frac{a}{b} - \sqrt{c}$. What is the value of $abc$?