Vrijeme: 05:39

Legenda o medvjedu | Brother bear #1

Sitka baca koplje s povezom preko očiju. Meta je sastavljena od tri koncentrične kružnice: radijus crvenog kruga je 1, zelenog 3 a plavog 5 metara.

Ako je Sitka bacio koplje nasumično te pogodio metu, koja je vjerojatnost da je pogodio zeleni dio mete? Attachment meta.jpg

Sitka is throwing a javelin with a blindfold over his eyes. The target is composed of three concentric circles, where the radius of the red circle is 1, the radius of the green circle is 3 and the radius of the blue circle is 5 meters.

If Sitka threw the javelin randomly and hit the target, what is the probability that he hit the green section? Attachment meta.jpg