Vrijeme: 05:40
Crnogorski lanac | Montenegrian chain #1
Petar je odlučio zasaditi 270 sadnica u svom voćnjaku. Svakog dana je sadio onaj broj sadnica koji se dobije kada izračuna zbroj znamenki broja koji je zbroj broja sadnica koje je zasadio prethodnog dana i zbroja znamenka tog broja. Zna se da je prvog dana zasadio jednu sadnicu. Koliko mu je dana trebalo da zasadi sve sadnice?
Petar decided to plant 270 seedlings in his orchard. Every day he planted the number of seedlings that he gets when he calculates the sum of the digits of the number which is the sum of the number of seedlings he planted the previous day and the sum of the digits of that number. It is known that he planted one seedling on the first day. How many days did it take him to plant all the seedlings?