Vrijeme: 05:36
Bos(a/to)nska čajanka | Bos(nia/ton) Tea Party #2
Nakon što je pokupio sve zaražene vrećice, Harry ih mora odnijeti u izolirano mjesto daleko od Sarajeva, selo Donja Zimća. Zamislimo da je svijet koordinatni sustav sa koordinatnim ishodištem u
u Sarajevu, a selom Donja Zimća u
. Harry može ići isključivo u cjelobrojne koordinate, i to samo korakom euklidske udaljenosti 13. Koliki je najmanji broj koraka da Harry dođe do sela?

After collecting all the infected bags, Harry must take them to an isolated place far from Sarajevo, the village of Donja Zimća. Let's imagine that the world is a coordinate system with the coordinate origin at
in Sarajevo, and the village of Donja Zimća is located at
. Harry can only go in integer coordinates, and only in steps of Euclidean distance of 13. What is the smallest number of steps for Harry to reach the village?