Vrijeme: 05:37
Njemački lanac | German chain #4
S obzirom na zadnja dva zadatka, razmislite o obje vrste kretanja strelice za neki
O kojim veličinama ovisi kutna razlika između početne i konačne strelice?

1) početnom kutu ili
2) površini omeđenoj putanjom strelice
3) opsegu putanje strelice
4) dužini strelice
Odgovor zapišite kao string i
. Npr. ako mislite da je razlika ovisi u svemu osim o 4) upišite "1110".
With the last two exercises in mind, think about both types of movement of arrow for any

On which quantities does the difference in angle between the starting and the ending arrow depend?
1) starting angle or
2) the area within path of arrow
3) the circumfence of path of arrow
4) the length of the arrow
Write the answer as 4 ones or zeroes whether you think it depends or not. For example, if you think it does depend on all of them except last one, write "1110".