Vrijeme: 05:36
Algebarske avanture prijatnog Lovre | Algebraic adventures of Lovre #3
Lovro se već lagano počelo vrtjeti od količine soka od šljive koji je popio, no ustrajno je odlučio riješiti još zadataka. Zgrabio je još jedan s police, a na njemu je pisalo:
Dan je niz od pozitivnih realnih brojeva
t.d. za svaki prirodan
) vrijedi
, odredi najveći
t.d. vrijedi
Lovro was already slightly dizzy from the amount of plum juice he drank, but he persistently decided to solve more tasks. He grabbed another one off the shelf, and it went:
Given a sequence of positive real numbers
so that for each natural number
) the expression
is true, determine the largest
so that the following expression is valid: