Vrijeme: 05:36
Jednom davno... | Once upon a time #2
Cvilidreta nije stigao pretvoriti svu slamu u zlato. U jednoj je smjesi omjer zlata i slame
, a u drugoj
. Miješanjem ove dvije smjese želi dobiti
kg zlata i slame u omjeru
. Koliko kilograma druge smjese Cvilidreta mora uzeti da bi to postigao?

Rumpelstiltskin didn't have the time to spin all the straw into gold. In one mix the ratio of gold and straw is
and in the other
. By mixing these two mixtures he wants to get
kg of gold and straw in the ration
. How many kilograms of the other mix Rumpelstiltskin has to take in order to accomplish what he wishes?