Vrijeme: 09:58

MNM 15. rođendanski party | MNM 15th birthday party #4

Nije neobično da se u upravi udruge (koju čine predsjednik, dopredsjednik i tajnik) ostane dva mandata, no zanimljivo je kada se u drugom mandatu promijeni uloga.

Prvi je to napravio predsjednik udruge koji je postao tajnik 2012., a danas je asistent na sveučilištu Utah. Također prezime dijeli s mnogima dragim profesorom Linearne algebre na zagrebačkom PMF-u.

Slijedi potpredsjednik udruge koji je postao tajnik 2014., a danas radi u Jane Streetu. Anonimni izvori kažu kako izgleda identično kao mlađi brat Vedran kojeg svi zovu Veki.

I najnoviji je potpredsjednik udruge koji je postao predsjednik 2022 čije ime je već bio odgovor u ranijem pitanju, pa bi bilo neprijatno ponoviti odgovor u istom lancu, stoga njega ipak nećemo prihvatiti kao odgovor.

Navedi ime bilo koje od prve dvije osobe.

It is not unusual for the board of the association (consisting of the president, vice-president and secretary) to remain for two terms, but it is interesting when the role changes in the second term.

The first to do this was the president of the association who became the secretary in 2012, and today he is an assistant at the University of Utah. He also shares the last name with many dear Professor of Linear Algebra at the Faculty of Arts in Zagreb.

He is followed by the vice-president of the association, who became the secretary in 2014, and today works in Jane Street. Anonymous sources say that he looks identical to his younger brother Vedran whom everyone calls Veki.

And the newest vice-president of the association who became the president in 2022, whose name was already answered in an earlier question, so it would be unpleasant to repeat the answer in the same chain, therefore we will not accept it as an answer.

Give the name of any of the first two people.