Vrijeme: 10:26
Kratko i jasno | Short and sweet #5
Opće je poznato da na svijetu postoji automobila. ih ima mirisne boriće, a privjesak kockicu. Automobile koji nemaju ni boriće ni kockicu voze Slavice i samo Slavice, a Slavica je . Jedine Slavice koje ne voze automobile su one koje idu u frizera nedjeljom, a njih je točno ovoliko: "Zamislite jedan broj. Oduzmite mu broj . Dodajte broj . Pomnožite sve sa . Oduzmite tom broju . Konačno, podijelite sve sa i oduzmite broj koji ste originalno zamislili.". Svaka vozačica Slavica osim Slavice Marić vozi točno jedan automobil. Slavica Marić ih vozi .
Koliko automobila ima i boriće i kockicu?
It is indeed a well know fact that there are cars in this world. have pine fresheners, have a dice. Cars that don't have niether pines nor die are driven only and exclusively by Slavicas and there are Slavicas. Only Slavicas who don't drive a car are those who go to hairdresser on sunday, and there is exactly this many of them: "Imagine a number. Take away and add . Multiply by . Now subtract . Finally, divide by and subtract the number that you've imagined originally." Every driver Slavica, except Slavica Marić, drives exactly one car. Slavica Marić drives .
How many cars have both pines and a dice?