Vrijeme: 22:27

Kratko i jasno | Short and sweet #3

Quot linguas calles, tot homines vales.

U Blatu na Korčuli živi 452 stanovnika i svi se, osim članova KUDa Pipun, vrijedno spremaju za turističku sezonu učeći jezike.
Gradska je uprava pokrenula 5 tečaja: talijanskog, njemačkog, francuskog, engleskog i, samozřejmě, češkog.

Sve Blajke koje sudjeluju na karnevalu uče 3 jezika, osim stare cure Jelice koja protestira u Pipunu. Blajke koje ne sudjeluju na karnevalu jer su za to premlade svaka uči po 5 jezika (na mladima svijet ostaje), a one koje ne sudjeluju iz ostalih razloga uče po jedan jezik. Što se tiče Blaćana, oni oženjeni uče po 2 jezika, a ostali su u Pipunu.

Ako znamo da je 1.25\% članova KUDa Pipun ženskog spola, da je udanih Blajki duplo više nego članova Pipuna, da je Blajki koje su premlade da sudjeluju u karnevalu duplo više od onih koje ne sudjeluju iz drugih razloga, te da na svaku Blajku koja sudjeluje na karnevalu (osim za Jelicu) dolaze 3 koje ne sudjeluju (O tempora, o mores!), koliko je ukupno mjesta na tečajevima popunjeno? Blaćani se udaju i žene isključivo među sobom.

Quot linguas calles, tot homines vales.

Blato, a small place on Korčula island, has 452 inhabitants and they are all, except memebers of folklore society (FS for short) "Pipun", diligently preparing for the next tourist season by learning foreign languages: italian, german, french, english, and, samozřejmě, czech.

All women who participate in the carnival learn 3 languages, except one old maid called Jelica who is protesting in "Pipun". Each woman who doesn't take part in the carnival because she's too young learns 5 languages (the world belongs to the youth), and women who don't take part for other reasons learn 1 language. As with men, the married lads learn 2 languages, and the rest are members of FS "Pipun".

If we know that all in all 1.25\% members of FS "Pipun" are women, that there is twice as many married women as there are total members of "Pipun", that there is twice as many younger women who do not take part in the carnival as those who don't participate for other reasons, and that for every woman who does take part in the carnival (except for Jelica) there are 3 who don't (O tempora, o mores!), how many spots in language courses are taken? Note that residents of Blato marry only between themselves.