Vrijeme: 21:56

Kratko i jasno | Short and sweet #2

Pusti me, zvaću decu!!!

Stari Stanojlo zove svoju decu, a deca se zovu Mića, Kića, Fića, Pića ili Žića. Žića je sedam puta više nego Kića, a Pića pet puta manje nego Fića. Svaki Fića ima 2 blizanca Miće, a onih Mića koji nisu blizanci Fićama ima šest puta više nego Pića. Ako znamo da Žiće čine 25\% sinova, a deset je Pića, koliko dece ima stari Stanojlo?

Let me go mate, or I'm calling crumb crunchers!!!

Old Stanojlo calls his sprogs, and his nippers are called Mića, Kića, Fića, Pića or Žića. There is seven times more Žićas than Kićas, Pićas is five times less than Fićas. Every Fića has two twins Mićas, and there are six times more Mićas who aren't any Fića's twins than there are Pićas. If we know that Žićas make 25\% of Stanojlo's sons and there are ten Pićas, how many brats does Stanojlo have?