Vrijeme: 22:13

Kratko i jasno | Short and sweet #1

Na igralištu je 50 pasa. Od toga 22 ima ogrlicu, 32 hvata lopticu, njih 15 laje, njih 14 i nosi ogrlicu i hvata lopticu, njih 11 i ima ogrlicu i laje, i njih 9 i laje i hvata lopticu. 8 ih ne radi ni jedno. Koliko pasa radi sve 3 stvari istovremeno?

There are 50 dogs on the playground. Out of these, 22 have a collar, 32 fetch the ball, 15 bark, 14 have a collar and fetch the ball, 11 have a collar and bark, and 9 bark and fetch the ball. 8 dogs don't do any of these activities. How many dogs do all 3 things simultaneously?