Vrijeme: 22:26

Sve samo ne komba | Everything but C #2

U pravilnom šesterokutu dužine stranice 2 (takav da su mu (-2,0) i (2,0) vrhovi) je odabrana točka (1.5,0). Kolika je vjerojatnost da nasumično odabran šesterokut dužine stranice 1 (i iste orijentacije kao veliki šesterokut) unutar velikog šesterokuta (svaka točka malog šesterokuta je unutar velikog šesterokuta) ne sadrži odabranu točku?
In a regular hexagon with side length 2 (such that (-2,0) and (2,0) are its vertices) the point (1.5,0) is selected. What is the probability that a randomly selected hexagon of side length 1 (oriented like the big hexagon) inside the large hexagon (every point of the small hexagon is inside the large hexagon) does not contain the selected point?