Vrijeme: 22:04

Sve samo ne komba | Everything but C #5

U 3 \times 3 \times 3 kocki nasumično je odabrano 5 točaka i 6 kocaka 1\times1\times1 (svaka točka malih kocka sadržana je u velikoj kocki). Koliki je očekivan broj odabranih 1\times1\times1 kocaka koje sadrže barem jednu označenom točku?
In a 3 \times 3 \times 3 cube we randomly pick 5 points and 6 cubes 1\times1\times1 (every point of the little cubes is contained within the big cube). What is the expected number of chosen 1\times1\times1 cubes which contain at least one chosen point