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Sve samo ne komba | Everything but C #4

Dane su točke P_1(0,1,1), P_2(0,1,-1), P_3(0,-1,-1), P_4(0,-1,1), P_5(1,0,0). Unutar piramide određene tim točkama nasumično odaberemo P_6. Kolika je vjerojatnost da P_1P_2P_3P_4P_6 ima manji volumen od P_1P_2P_5P_6, P_2P_3P_5P_6, P_3P_4P_5P_6 i P_4P_1P_5P_6?
Given points P_1(0,1,1), P_2(0,1,-1), P_3(0,-1,-1), P_4(0,-1,1), P_5(1,0, 0). Inside the pyramid determined by these points, we randomly select P_6. What is the probability that P_1P_2P_3P_4P_6 has a smaller volume than P_1P_2P_5P_6, P_2P_3P_5P_6, P_3P_4P_5P_6, and P_4P_1P_5P_6?