Yusuf uz pomoć smajla izvuće svih 5 karta koje mu je Đedo dao. Sada ih mora poredati u niz. Na koliko načina to može napraviti?
With the help of a smiley, Yusuf draws all 5 cards that Đedo gave him. Now he has to line them up. How many ways can he do this?
[lang = hr]
Yusuf uz pomoć smajla izvuće svih 5 karta koje mu je Đedo dao. Sada ih mora poredati u niz. Na koliko načina to može napraviti?
[lang = en]
With the help of a smiley, Yusuf draws all 5 cards that Đedo gave him. Now he has to line them up. How many ways can he do this?