Vrijeme: 22:20

Sibirski plavac | The legendary Siberian blue #4

Dok Yusuf ne sudjeluje na turnirima remina kako bi osvojio Sibirskog plavca, njegov špil mora biti spremljen u zlatnoj sehari. Kako mu druge ljubomorne mušterije ne bi ukrale zlatnu seharu i da mu karte ne budu zalivene ledenim čajem, Yusuf je odlučio zlatnu seharu obojati u razne boje kako ju nitko ne bi prepoznao. Yusufova zlatna sehara je kocka, a Yusuf na raspolaganju ima 5 boja. Yusuf će svaku stranu sehare obojati u jednu od tih 5 boja. Zanima ga na koliko različitih načina to može učiniti. Bojanja su jednaka ako se rotacijom sehare može dobiti jednak raspored boja.
While Yusuf is not participating in rummy tournaments to win the Siberian Blue, his deck must be stored in the golden segola. So that other jealous customers wouldn't steal his golden sekhara and his cards wouldn't be drenched in iced tea, Yusuf decided to paint the golden sekhara in different colors so that no one would recognize it. Yusuf's golden sehara is a cube, and Yusuf has 5 suits available. Yusuf will paint each side of the sehara in one of those 5 colors. He is interested in how many different ways he can do this. The colors are equal if, by rotating the sehara, an equal arrangement of colors can be obtained.