Vrijeme: 22:30

Sibirski plavac | The legendary Siberian blue #2

Nakon što je završio Seta i njegov špil u prodavnici Game kod svog Đede, dobio je 2913 piramide, mindžuša, pirsingova, ajkula i drakula. Te piramide, mindžuše, pirsingove, ajkule i drakule nisu obični šangajski aligatori, niti aždahaši njegovi, već vrlo dobre, čak štoviše, vrlo dobre piramide, mindžuše, pirsingovi, ajkule i drakule koje se opisuju ne samo sa napadom i obranom, već 38 različitih atributa, kojima ni sam Yusuf ne zna ime. Drugim riječima, svaka piramida, mindžuša, pirsingovi, ajkule i drakule su opisane nizom K realnih pozitivnih brojeva duljine 38. Yusuf ih želi rasporediti u zlatne sehare, uz jednu caku. Za sve predmete u nekoj sehari mora vrijediti: postoji neki niz C realnih brojeva (od kojih barem jedan nije 0) i neki realni broj V takav da za sve predmete u toj sehari vrijedi: \sum_{i=1}^{38}Ki*Ci = V. S obzirom da Yusuf još ne zna što je dobio, koliko najmanje sehara mora pripremiti kako bi bio siguran da može podijeliti sve piramide, mindžuše, pirsingove, ajkule i drakule u neku od sehara bez obzira na njihove atribute?
After finishing Seta and his deck at his Grandpa's Game store, he got 2913 in pyramids, minjushas, ​​piercings, sharks and draculas. Those pyramids, minjushas, ​​piercings, sharks and draculas are not ordinary Shanghai alligators, nor his dragons, but very good, even very good pyramids, minjushas, ​​piercings, sharks and draculas that are described not only with attack and defense, but 38 different attributes, which Yusuf himself does not know the name of. In other words, every pyramid, minjusha, piercings, sharks and draculas are described by a sequence of K real positive numbers of length 38. Yusuf wants to arrange them in golden seharas, with one caka. It must be true for all objects in a cell: there is some sequence C of real numbers (at least one isn't 0 and some real number V such that the following holds for all objects in that cell: \sum_{i=1}^{38}Ki*Ci = V. Given that Yusuf doesn't yet know what he got, how many sehars must he prepare in order to be sure that he can divide all pyramids, minjushes, piercings, sharks, and draculas into one of the sehars regardless of their attributes?