Vrijeme: 22:01

Zadnji teorem | Last theorem #4

Zadan je potpun graf od 1001 čvora. Bridovi su mu obojani u n boja. Za svaku boju vrijedi: kada bismo gledali samo bridove odabrane boje, graf ne bi bio povezan. Za svaki par boja vrijedi: kada bismo gledali samo bridove koji su obojani u jednu od odabranih boja boje, graf bi bio povezan.
Kolika je najmanja vrijednost koju n može poprimiti?
A complete graph of 1001 nodes is given. Its edges are painted in n colors. It is true for every color: if we looked only at the edges of the selected color, the graph would not be connected. For every pair of colors it is true: if we were to look only at the edges that are colored in one of the selected colors, the graph would be connected.
What is the smallest value that n can take?