Vrijeme: 10:38
Mentorski snovi | Dreams of five mentors #4
U Simeonovom snu on je pastir čije ovce dolaze u raznim bojama! Konkretno postoje crvene, zelene, plave i crne ovce, a ima ih ukupno .
Crvene, zelene i plave ovce su numerirane brojevima od do i svaka košta peneza gdje je broj ovce. Crne ovce koštaju penez.
Pastira Simeona zanima na koliko načina može odabrati skup ovaca tako da one zajedno koštaju peneza?
Crvene, zelene i plave ovce su numerirane brojevima od do i svaka košta peneza gdje je broj ovce. Crne ovce koštaju penez.
Pastira Simeona zanima na koliko načina može odabrati skup ovaca tako da one zajedno koštaju peneza?
n Simeon's dream, he is a shepherd whose sheep come in different colors! Specifically, there are red, green, blue and black sheep, and there are a total of .
Red, green and blue sheep are numbered from to and each costs pennies where is the number of the sheep. Black sheep cost pennies.
Shepherd Simeon is interested in how many ways he can choose a set of sheep so that they together cost pennies?
Red, green and blue sheep are numbered from to and each costs pennies where is the number of the sheep. Black sheep cost pennies.
Shepherd Simeon is interested in how many ways he can choose a set of sheep so that they together cost pennies?