Vrijeme: 22:27

Dođite na MBL | Come to MBL #1

Matej putuje na međunarodni matematički kamp MBL.

Za svoje putovanje trebao je kupiti nekoliko karti:

	\item Zagreb -> Krakow, autobus, 39.99 eur
	\item Krakow -> Katowice, vlak, 28.05 pln
	\item Katowice -> Rycerka, vlak, 25.61 pln
	\item Rycerka -> Katowice, vlak, 31.13 pln
	\item Katowice -> Krakow, vlak, 28.05 pln
	\item Krakow -> Zagreb, autobus, 29.99 eur

Koliko je koštalo putovanje u poljskim zlotima?

1 pln \approx 0.21732611 eur

Matej is traveling to international math camp MBL.

For this trip he had to buy a few tickets: \begin{itemize}
	\item Zagreb -> Krakow, bus, 39.99 eur
	\item Krakow -> Katowice, train, 28.05 pln
	\item Katowice -> Rycerka, train, 25.61 pln
	\item Rycerka -> Katowice, train, 31.13 pln
	\item Katowice -> Krakow, train, 28.05 pln
	\item Krakow -> Zagreb, bus, 29.99 eur

How much did this journey cost him in polish zloty?

1 pln \approx 0.21732611 eur