Vrijeme: 22:22

Dođite na MBL | Come to MBL #3

Nakon svečanosti zatvaranja, Ania je odlučila prebrojiti preostale šalice. Kako je poprilično neispavana, ona ne može zaista brojiti, ali može šalice podijeliti u razumno male grupe.

Kada bi ih podijelila u parove, svaka bi šalica imala svoj par. Kad bi ih podijelila u grupe od tri, ostala bi joj jedna šalica. Kad bi ih podijelila u grupe od pet, ostale bi joj dvije šalice. Kad bi ih podijelila u grupe od sedam, ostale bi joj tri šalice.

Srećom, Radek je u tom trenu zaključio da ima dovoljno informacija o broju šalica, jer je znao da su ih prije kampa naručili samo 100. Koliko je šalica preostalo?

After the closing ceremony, Ania decided to count the remaining cups. As she was quite sleep-deprived, she couldn't really count them, but she could divide the cups into reasonably small groups.

When she divided them into pairs, each cup had its pair. When she divided them into groups of three, she had one cup left. When she divided them into groups of five, she had two cups left. When she divided them into groups of seven, she had three cups left.

Fortunately, Radek concluded at that moment that he had enough information about the number of cups because he knew that they had ordered only 100 before the camp. How many cups are left?