Vrijeme: 10:22
Vjerojatno lanac iz kinematike | Probably from kinematics #2
auta voze jedan prema drugome (svaki s prometno ispravne strane ceste) stalnim brzinama u intervalu . Cesta je duljine . Svaki auto kreće s jednog kraja ceste.
Točka se nalazi na cesti udaljena od prvog auta. Točka se nalazi na cesti od drugog auta.
Kolika je vjerojatnost da će se auti mimoići na dijelu ceste omeđenom točkama i ?
Točka se nalazi na cesti udaljena od prvog auta. Točka se nalazi na cesti od drugog auta.
Kolika je vjerojatnost da će se auti mimoići na dijelu ceste omeđenom točkama i ?
cars are driving toward each other (each on the correct side of the road) with constant speed from interval . The road is long. Each car starts moving from different side.
Point is located on the road away from the first car. Point is located on the road from the second car.
What's the probability that cars will pass each other somewhere between points and ?
Point is located on the road away from the first car. Point is located on the road from the second car.
What's the probability that cars will pass each other somewhere between points and ?