Vrijeme: 09:53
Karlinih mi žaba! | Karla's frogs #1
Karla jako voli žabe i ima ih jako puno u dvorištu. Pored Karle su metla i tava. Karla je od tave udaljena , a od metle , dok su metla i tava udaljene za . Jedna od žaba nalazi se točno na pola puta između tave i metle. Koliki je najkraći put od Karle do žabe?
Karla loves frogs very much and has a lot of them in the yard. Next to Karla are a broom and a frying pan. Karla is away from the pan, and away from the broom, while the broom and the pan are apart. One of the frogs is exactly halfway between the pan and the broom. What is the length of the shortest path from Karla to the frog?