Vrijeme: 10:15
Karlinih mi žaba! | Karla's frogs #2
Karla je u grmlju čula šuškanje i odlučila proučiti o čemu se radi. Grmlje je između stupa i vrata koji su udaljeni za . Vrata su od Karle udaljena za , a stup za . Zvuk se čuo točno okomito od dužine koja spaja vrata i stup s obzirom na Karlu. Iz grmlja se vide male nožice. Koliki je najkraći put od Karle do žabice?
Karla heard rustling in the bushes and decided to investigate what it was about. The bushes are between the post and the gate which are apart. The door is away from Karla, and the pillar is away. The sound was heard exactly perpendicular to the length connecting the door and the pillar with respect to Karla. Small legs can be seen from the bushes. What is the length of the shortest path from Karla to the frog?