Vrijeme: 22:21

Karlinih mi žaba! | Karla's frogs #3

Karla se kupa u bazenu savršenog kružnog oblika, baš joj je super, a nalazi se točno u sredini bazena. Na rubovima bazena su 3 loptice - crvena, zelena i plava. Crvena i zelena loptica udaljene su za 8, crvena i plava za 15 i zadnje dvije za 17. Na rubu bazena je također nestašna žabica. Koja je najkraća udaljenost Karle i žabice?

Karla takes a bath in a perfectly circular pool. She likes it very much since she is right in the middle of the pool. At the edge of the pool are 3 balls - red, green and blue. The red and green balls are 8 apart, the red and blue are 15 apart, and the last two are 17 apart. There is also a naughty frog at the edge of the pool. What is the shortest distance between Karla and the frog?