Vrijeme: 22:13

Ukrainski lanac | Ukraine chain #1

Informatičar Taras radi u programu koji se zove "Paint Desk". Pa, ne radi baš, već radije pokušava nacrtati ploču 11 \times 11 (sa svim granicama svih 121 malih kvadratića) u najmanjem mogućem broju poteza. U jednom potezu može nacrtati granicu nekog pravokutnika. Koji je najmanji broj poteza potreban za postizanje cilja?

(npr. ako bi crtao ploču 1 \times 3 (sa svim granicama malih kvadrata), trebala bi mu dva poteza.)

An IT guy Taras is working in the program called "Paint Desk". Well, not really working but rather attempting to draw a board 11 \times 11 (with all the boundaries of all the 121 little squares) in the smallest number of moves possible. In one move he can draw a boundary of some rectangle. What is the smallest number of moves required to achieve the goal?

(e.g. if he were to draw a board 1 \times 3 (with all the little squares boundaries), he would need two moves.)