Vrijeme: 22:27

Vjerojatno lanac iz kinematike | Probably from kinematics #1

2 auta voze jedan prema drugome (svaki s prometno ispravne strane ceste) prvi auto vozi stalnom brzinom u intervalu [0,100] kmh^{-1}, a drugi vozi 50\, kmh^{-1}. Cesta je duljine 100\,km. Svaki auto kreće s jednog kraja ceste.
Točka C se nalazi na cesti 48\,km udaljena od prvog auta. Točka D se nalazi na cesti 48\,km od drugog auta.
Kolika je vjerojatnost da će se auti mimoići na dijelu ceste omeđenom točkama C i D?
2 cars are driving towards each other (each on the traffic-correct side of the road), the first car is driving at a constant speed in the [0,100] kmh^{-1} interval, and the second car is driving 50\, kmh^{-1}. The road is 100\,km long. Each car starts from one end of the road.
Point C is located on the road 48\,km away from the first car. Point D is located on the road 48\,km from the second car.
What is the probability that the cars will pass each other on the part of the road bounded by points C and D?