Vrijeme: 22:30
Klokan Krešimir | Kangaroo Krešimir #1
Na otoku istinoljubaca i lažaca 25 ljudi stoje u redu. Svi, osim prve osobe u redu, kažu da je osoba ispred njih lažac. Prva osoba u redu kažu da su sve osobe koje stoje iza nje u redu lašci. Koliko je lažaca u redu? Istinoljupci uvijek govore istinu, a lašci uvijek neistinu.
On the island of truth-tellers and liars, 25 people stand in line. All but the first person in line say the person in front of them is a liar. The first person in line says that all the people behind him in line are liars. How many liars are there in a row? Truth-tellers always tell the truth, and liars always lie.