Vrijeme: 22:32

To su ,,samo'' zagonetke | "Just" puzzles #2

Četiri mladića i njihove četiri djevojke nalaze se na jednoj obali rijeke. Oni žele prijeći na drugu stranu rijeke, ali raspolažu samo s jednim čamcem na vesla koji može primiti najviše dvije osobe. Na sredini rijeke nalazi se otok koji im može pomoći u prijevozu.

Mladići su toliko ljubomorni da ne dopuštaju svojim djevojkama da budu u društvu drugih mladića bez njihovog prisustva. S druge strane, žene se boje da će muškarci pobjeći s drugom ako se nađu sami na bilo kojoj obali ili na otoku, stoga ne dopuštaju ovaj scenarij.

Koliko najmanje putovanja čamcem treba napraviti (od obale do otoka (ili obratno) ili direktno od obale do obale) da bi svi prešli rijeku bez da itko ostane slomljena srca?

Four young men and their four girlfriends are on one bank of the river. They want to cross to the other side of the river, but they only have one rowing boat that can hold a maximum of two people. In the middle of the river there is an island that can help them with transportation.

Young men are so jealous that they do not allow their girlfriends to be in the company of other young men without their presence. On the other hand, women fear that men will run off with some other girl if they find themselves alone on any shore or island, so they do not allow this scenario.

How many minimum boat trips must be made (from coast to island (or vice versa) or directly from coast to coast) for everyone to cross the river without anyone being left heartbroken?